We are open for submissions!

After a long year of huge personal changes, we have opened our inbox for our second anthology. There is no theme and we accept poetry and prose.

Submission Guidelines

1. No minimum length, guideline maximum of 3000 words 
2. Font size of between 10pt and 12pt 
3. Standard legible font types acceptable 
4. .doc, .docx, .rtf formats accepted (no PDFs) 
5. Please do a thorough spell-check but an editor will review the piece before publication so don’t let perfectionism prevent you from submitting! 

Your details
At the end of your submission, insert a page break and then include a bio (written in the third person, beginning with your full name as you’d like to be credited, maximum of 50 words – include any links as you wish)

Please send submissions as an attachment to: grindandbearing@gmail.com with the subject line ‘Submission - [TITLE]’.

And for further questions, contact us using the form below.

Can’t wait to read what you’ve got!

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